courbe en fond

Legal Notice

Legal notice

LRCS - Laboratoire de réactivité et chimie des solides
15 rue Baudelocque
80039 Amiens cedex France

Publisher: Mathieu Morcrette
Hosted by: Université de Picardie Jules Verne
Web agency: Agence EWILL

General Data Protection Regulation

The personal data information collected at LRCS is treated and processed for the Director of LRCS, in its capacity as controller. The Data Protection Officer of LRCS CNRS can be contacted for any questions you have on the protection of personal data. The treatment meets a legal obligation. Your data is collected for the following uses and according to different needs: staff building access, hosting, distribution lists, scientific congress, meetings, lab’s assessment, webmaster, trombinoscope, directories, prevention and security, invited personnel. According to these different needs, all or part of the information is transmitted to CNRS Regional Delegation and Université Picardie Jules Verne. No data transfer outside the European Union is carried out. Your data will be kept until your departure from the lab or at the end of your visit.

If you are a User, at any time you may exercise the right of access, of opposition, the right to withdraw your consent, of modification, of deletion, portability, by writing to LRCS CNRS UMR7314 – 15 rue Baudelocque – 80080 AMIENS

You can also contact the Data Protection Officer at the following address:

CNRS Service protection des données – 2 rue Jean Zay – 54519 – Vandoeuvre lès Nancy - dpd.demandes[at]

If you believe after contacting us that your rights in the field of Information Technology and Liberties are not respected, you are entitled to file a claim online with the CNIL or by post.