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Updated : 2024.07.18

Synthesis and characterisation of COF (Covalent Organic Framework) based composite electrolyte for all-solid-state sodium-ion batteries

Context and objective of the project
The development of future generations of batteries, which will be safer and more efficient, involves
replacing the liquid electrolyte with a solid, solvent-free matrix.[1] This objective is the focus of a worldwide effort to find new materials capable of meeting all the performance, stability and cost requirements. To date, there is no miracle material capable of achieving this. On the one hand, there are ceramic materials that offer high conductivity and satisfactory electrochemical stability, but for which flexibility, shaping, the use of critical elements and the difficulty of recycling are the main constraints, slowing down their integration into high-performance complete systems.[2] Conversely, organic compounds, particularly polymers, have good mechanical properties and are flexible, but lag behind in terms of performance (solvent-free) and electrochemical stability.[3]
Among the various possible chemical systems, Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs) are attracting
particular attention because of their exceptional textural properties (very high specific surface area, very low density, high porosity, etc.).[4] In recent years, two approaches have been proposed for their use as electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries:[5] the first involves impregnating a lithium salt into the porous structure,[6] while the second is based on the direct incorporation or grafting of a permanent charge (ionic COF) or an ion-chelating moiety.[7]
To date, most studies have focused on the mobility of lithium ions. Very few studies have explored the
mobility of sodium ions, but these show that this type of material has very strong potential for dendrite suppression, high sodium ion mobility, a high transport number and good stability with respect to sodium metal.[8

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PhD Thesis LRCS - Amiens

Updated : -0001.11.30

Glass, glass-ceramic and ceramic electrolytes for all-solid batteries

The aim of this collaborative PhD work between an industrial partner, UMICORE, the LRCS at the
Université de Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens and the "Chalcogenides and glasses" thematic group of
the IGCM D4 department in Montpellier, is to explore the chemistry of inorganic glass, glass-ceramic
and ceramic ionic conductors, to be used as solid electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries, by exploring
different synthesis routes and compositions. A comprehensive study of transport properties and
electrochemical stability will be carried out in conjunction with structural characteristics.

Following an in-depth bibliographical study, the candidate will develop chalcogenide glasses and glass-
ceramics by mechanosynthesis and melt-quenching.

Various compositions will be tested, and processing parameters (grinding time and duration) will also
be evaluated. Characterization techniques will include X-ray and neutron diffraction, SEM and TEM
electron microscopy, and electrical measurements from -35°C to 500°C. Temperature-controlled
synchrotron X-ray and neutron diffraction experiments will be used as additional key techniques to
study order-disorder transitions and thermal motion factors, as well as glass recrystallization. Raman
spectroscopy and solid-state MAS NMR, in collaboration with the RS2E NMR platform, will also be used
to investigate local structural and diffusion characteristics.

Solid electrolytes will be integrated into solid-state batteries and their performance evaluated.

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PhD Thesis LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2024.02.21

Synthesis of organic tailor-made macromolecular materials for solid organic battery

Over the past few decades, the world has witnessed a revolution in energy storage development:
Li-ion batteries. However, this rapid progress also comes with a major challenge in the context of
sustainable development, namely compensating for the limited availability of mineral materials and the
energy cost of their extraction from the earth's crust. Through this PhD Scholarship, we are seeking to
promote the use of a new generation of organic materials in order to offer fewer impacting alternatives for energy storage. The potential of organic chemistry is immense, thanks to low energy costs and rich and versatile synthetic route that allow the creation of tailor-made organic materials.1,2 Despite these
advantages, organic materials do encounter some obstacles, such as their solubility in organic electrolytes and their low conductivity, necessitating respectively electrolyte engineering and the excessive use of carbon black.

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Updated : -0001.11.30

Offre de Post-Doctorat

PhD Thesis LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2024.02.20

Recycling and utilization of graphite from spent lithium-ion batteries

With the huge increase of spent Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) in Europe, the development of cost-efficient and low environment impact recycling process is imminent. Up to now, much attention has been paid to recover high-valued metals contained in cathode materials, while the recycling of anode materials has received less attention and is generally directly burned or landfilled during the recycling process, which causes CO2 emission and the waste of limited resources. The aim of our project is to recover graphite from spent LIBs and explore its potential reuse in emerging energy storage systems.

This thesis project includes several aspects:
- Investigate different graphite separation methods by direct disassembly of spent LIBs or from black mass
- Carry out graphite purification and understand the relationship between treatment conditions and generated structural defects
- Modify the structure of recovered graphite to match different applications (LIBs, NIBs...)
Throughout this project, the PhD will try to explain the failure mode of spent graphite, clarify the mechanism of impurities removal, and establish accurate criteria for judging the quality of regenerated graphite for different reuse scenarios.

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Offre de Thèse LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2024.02.09

Génération de nouveaux matériaux pour les batteries avec l’IA

Le Groupe Renault est actuellement l’un des principaux acteurs de la voiture électrique. Dans le cadre de notre plan « Renaulution », nous ambitionnons de développer les technologies les plus avancées en termes de gestion d’énergie et de services de mobilité électrique.


Le stockage d’énergie via batteries Li-ion (LIBs) a révolutionné l’industrie de l’électronique portable. Depuis leur commercialisation, les LIBs ont été significativement améliorées de plus de 200%. Dans un contexte de demande globale croissante des véhicules électriques (VE), des ruptures technologiques deviennent nécessaires. Nous devons améliorer le stockage électrique en termes de capacité et d’usage, optimiser le coût des batteries et réduire l’impact environnemental de la production à l’usage, tout en conservant un niveau élevé de recyclabilité.

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Postdoctoral research position LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2024.02.09

Postdoctoral research position

The postdoctoral researcher will be in charge of preparing and characterizing battery
electrodes and cells by using the pilot line of the French Network on Electrochemical Energy
Storage (RS2E). The postdoctoral researcher will carry out innovative research allowing to
gain deep insights in the relationships between manufacturing parameters and battery cell
performance. The collected data and the unraveled insights will be used to calibrate and
validate pioneering physical and machine learning models being developed in Prof. Franco’s
team (see for instance: The postdoctoral researcher will work
within the context of the recently started DIGICELL European Project.

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PhD Position LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2024.02.07

Impact of coating on cathode materials for all solid batteries: Multiscale study and performance evaluation (IMHOTEP)

To meet new environmental challenges (reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality, etc.), increasingly stringent standards are being introduced at national and European level. In particular, they are encouraging automakers to invest more in low-emission technologies, including electric vehicles. Thus, by 2050, the aim to achieve carbon neutrality will be reflected in the electrification of transport, as well as in the development of renewable energies (solar, wind, etc.). Energy storage systems (batteries) are therefore becoming essential components in this transition, helping to regulate the availability of electricity supplied by renewable energies and improving the range of electric vehicles.
Among the new technologies under development, all-solid-state batteries are of interest in terms of increased energy density and safety. However, this technology currently has some limitations, including interfacial reactions between the active material and the solid electrolyte. The strategy of performing coatings around the active material to protect it without hindering the transport of lithium ions is a strategic avenue for improving the performance of these systems.
However, the protection and degradation mechanisms of this protective layer during operation are poorly understood, and detailed characterization is essential.

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Offre de thèse LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2024.02.07

Impact de l'enrobage de Matériaux de catHode pour batteries tout sOlide : éTude multiEchelle et évaluation des Performances (IMHOTEP)

Pour répondre aux nouveaux enjeux environnementaux (réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, améliorationde la qualité de l'air, ...), des normes de plus en plus strictes sont mises en place à l'échelle nationale et européenne. Ellesincitent notamment les constructeurs automobiles à investir davantage dans des technologies à faibles émissions, dontfont partie les véhicules électriques. Ainsi à l'horizon 2050, la volonté d'atteindre la neutralité carbone se concrétiserapar l'électrification des transports mais aussi le développement des énergies renouvelables (solaire, éolien, ...). Les systèmes pour le stockage de l'énergie (batteries) deviennent donc des composants essentiels pour effectuer cette transition en permettant la régulation de la disponibilité de l'électricité fournie par les énergies renouvelables et en
améliorant l'autonomie des véhicules électriques. Parmi les nouvelles technologies en développement, les batteries tout solide ont un intérêt en terme d’augmentation de densité d’énergie et de sécurité. Cependant, cette technologie possède à l’heure actuelle des limitations parmi lesquelles les réactions interfaciales entre la matière active et l’électrolyte solide qui font partie des verrous à lever. La stratégie de réaliser des enrobages autour de la matière active pour protéger celle-ci sans entraver le transport des ions lithium est une voie d’étude stratégique pour améliorer les performances de ces systèmes. Cependant, les mécanismes de protection et de dégradation de cette couche protectrice en fonctionnement sont mal connus et une caractérisation fine de ceux-ci est indispensable.

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Master Thesis Project LRCS - Amiens

Updated : -0001.11.30

Feasibility study on the cycling of organic materials using SEM operando

As the observation of micro to nano-scale evolution such as formation of SEI, CEI, dissolution,
precipitation processes can be done by Scanning electron Microscopy (SEM) due to its good special
resolution, we plan to perform in-situ SEM operando cycling using home-made electrochemical cells
to perform real-time morphological (dissolution, crack formation, SEI …) and chemical investigation.
However, such type of experiments is a challenge to be done on organic materials due to their
possible reactivity under the electron beam and in liquid electrolyte as the SEM chamber is under high
vacuum and classical electrolyte (EC/DMC …) tend to be too volatile. The master student will have to
test different electrolytes (EC/PC, glyme, ionic liquid …) to find a suitable and representative one for
in-situ experiments as well as test the reactivity of the organic materials in order to perform the first
SEM-operando cycling for organic compounds.
For this project, you should have an interest in material chemistry, molecular materials,
electrochemistry and electron microscopy. Previous experience of material synthesis and
characterisation by spectroscopy would be beneficial. English language skills as well as writing and
speaking skills and team working abilities are highly recommended.

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Master Thesis Project LRCS - Amiens

Updated : -0001.11.30

Integration of chalcogenide glasses and glass-ceramics in all-solid sodium batteries

The internship project concerns the integration, in an all-solid state battery, of solid vitreous and chalcogenide glass-ceramic electrolytes that conduct Na+ ions, which have already been identified and characterised in the two laboratories. Sodium is one of the most abundant elements and is much cheaper than lithium.
The trainee will be required to reproduce the mechanosynthesis of glasses and glass-ceramics, in order to obtain sufficient electrolytes for the cells. These will be characterised by XRD and DSC in order to verify their nature, amorphous or partially crystallised, and to identify the phases that have precipitated. The conductive properties of the materials will be studied using complex impedance spectroscopy. Half-cells and complete cells will be assembled and their electrochemical performance evaluated.


Stage Master 2 Lrcs - Amiens

Updated : -0001.11.30

Synthesis and characterization of aromatic heterocyclic compounds for positive electrode materials

we are seeking for a motivated and dynamic trainee who will be tasked with i) synthesising new electroactive molecules, ii) studying their physico-chemical properties and ii) determining their electrochemical properties with a view to their use as positive electrodes. For this project, you should have an interest in organic chemistry, molecular materials and electrochemistry. Previous experience of organic synthesis and characterisation by spectroscopy is essential. In addition, English language skills as well as writing and speaking skills are highly recommended.

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Master Thesis Project LRCS - Amiens

Updated : -0001.11.30

Synthesis of charge-transfer complexes using ball-milling and in-deep characterization using electron microscopy and electrochemistry

[] We are looking for a motivated and dynamic trainee for a 6-months 2nd-year master internship.
The aims of this project are i) synthesising charge-transfer complexes using ball-milling, ii) studying their physico-chemical properties and iii) determining their electrochemical properties with a view to their use in ion-battery. A specific attention will be paid to the characterization of such materials using electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) and associated techniques (EDX, EELS).

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Stage Master 2 LRCS - Amiens

Updated : -0001.11.30

Synthesis of Macromolecules for Organic Batteries

The objective of this master's thesis is to meticulously follow each stage of this highly innovative project, from synthesis to the final characterization of the battery. The master's student will be responsible for studying and fully characterizing the new organic macromolecules as electroactive materials for energy storage. For this project, the ideal master's student should possess a strong background in organic chemistry, with experience in polymer synthesis being a valuable asset. Proficiency in electrochemistry is also desirable. Applicants must demonstrate a high level of motivation and effective communication skills, both in written and spoken English. The ability to work both as a team member and independently is essential.

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Stage Master 2 LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2023.10.27

Synthesis of Macromolecules for Organic Batteries

The objective of this master's thesis is to meticulously follow each stage of this highly innovative project, from synthesis to the final characterization of the battery. The master's student will be responsible for studying and fully characterizing the new organic macromolecules as electroactive materials for energy storage.

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Stage Master LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2023.10.17

Impact du coating d’un matériau de cathode de type oxyde lamellaire riche en nickel (NMC) sur la production de gaz dans les batteries Li-ion

Le but de ce stage est de préparer par voie aqueuse un coating de Li3PO4, et de Li3BO3 à la surface du matériau NMC811 polycristallin. Après fabrication des électrodes à base de ce matériau coaté, leurs performances électrochimiques seront testées en batterie complète et une analyse des gaz produits lors du cyclage sera effectuée afin de déterminer l’efficacité des différents coatings.

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PhD position LRCS Amiens - Renault Guyancourt

Updated : 2023.07.12

Modeling and synthesis of 3D structured-polymer electrolyte to regulate Li dendrite formation during cycling of Li metal battery

Our primary goal is the understanding of Li dendrite formation at the interface between Li metal and 3D structured-polymer materials. Building upon this knowledge, we aim to design a novel polymer electrolyte that addresses the challenges associated with Li dendrite formation. To achieve our goals, we will employ a combined approach of experimental and theoretical methods. During the project, the Ph.D. candidate will synthesize and characterize the 3D structured polymer electrolyte. In parallel, student will model the polymer electrolyte system by using state-of-art modeling solution.

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PhD position LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2023.07.04

Recycling and utilization of graphite from spent lithium-ion batteries

The aim of our project is to recover graphite from spent LIBs and explore its potential reuse in emerging energy storage systems.
This thesis project includes several aspects:

- Investigate different graphite separation methods by direct disassembly of spent LIBs or from black mass

- Carry out graphite purification and understand the relationship between treatment conditions and generated
structural defects

- Modify the structure of recovered graphite to match different applications
Throughout this project, the PhD will try to explain the failure mode of spent graphite, clarify the mechanism
of impurities removal, and establish accurate criteria for judging the quality of regenerated graphite for different scenarios.

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PhD position LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2023.05.15

Multimodal Approach for the Study of the Dynamic Phenomena at the Origin of the Degradations in the Lix(NiMn)yO2 Cathodes of Li-ion Batteries (MultiVision-Bat)

During the charge and discharge cycles of Li-ion batteries, the electrode materials undergo chemical and mechanical transformations which are the cause of degradation leading to losses in capacity and greater risks of malfunction. These transformations appear at different scales in the electrodes, but it is at the scale of the primary crystals, where the lithium ions are inserted and diffuse, that the first phenomena arise. It is therefore crucial to study the lithiation dynamics in these primary grains. To do this, we propose here a multimodal approach based on the use of in situ characterization tools and methodologies to monitor in real time the electrochemical cycling at the nanometric scale of primary crystals. It will be a question of following, on the one hand, the evolution of the crystallographic properties via the new electronic diffraction techniques in TEM (4DSTEM and 3DED) and on the other hand, the modifications of the degrees of oxidation of the transition metals involved in lithiation via the absorption of X-rays (STXM) in synchrotron (SOLEIL). Our 2 in situ electrochemical cells will allow us to study the same samples in correlative mode leading to complementary maps of structural and chemical properties. The use of other techniques in TEM, such as aberration-corrected STEM imaging, as well as EDX and EELS spectroscopy, will provide a multi-scale global view of LiMnNiOx degradation mechanisms. Particular emphasis will be placed on the processing of spectral and diffraction data by recent methods of artificial intelligence, such as deep learning with the "Variational AutoEncoder (VAE)".

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PhD position LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2023.03.23

3D-resolved computational modeling of mechano-electrochemistry in solid state batteries - DESTINY Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions COFUND (H/F) – M/F

This PhD thesis aims to develop a deep understanding of ASSB (All Solid-State Batteries) working principles by developing and experimentally validating a unique computational model accounting in 3D for the composite electrode microstructure and its corresponding evolution upon electrochemical cycling.

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PhD position LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2023.03.23

Digital twins for lifetime enhancement of sodium ion and solid-state battery cells

We are offering a PhD position, in the context of the BATMAN project (funded through the “PEPR Batteries” Research Program), aiming at developing, validating and demonstrating a digital twin of the function of SIB (sodium ion battery and SSB (solid-state battery) cells.

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PhD Thesis LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2023.03.17

Computational modeling of lithium ion battery electrode manufacturing

We propose here a PhD thesis to work on the computational modeling of the manufacturing process of LIB electrodes. The intended computational modeling will be physics-based and will be supported on Coarse Grained Molecular and Particle Dynamics, as well as on the Discrete Element Method, by using software like LAMMPS.

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PhD position LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2023.03.17

Digital twins for the manufacturing optimization of sodium ion and solid-state batteries

In the context of the BATMAN project (funded through the “PEPR Batteries” Research Program), with the goal of developing, validating and demonstrating a digital twin of the manufacturing process of SIB (sodium ion battery) and SSB electrodes (solid-state battery).

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PhD position LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2023.03.15

Supra- and Macro-molecular materials for organic battery

 Synthesis and characterization of new macromolecular materials as electrodes in organic batteries with a view to integrating them into complete systems. The thesis project consists of two parts: the synthesis and characterization of the new materials (organic synthesis, NMR, XRD...), and the formulation and electrochemical testing of the newly composite electrodes obtained.

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Master 2 internship LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2023.02.01

Multiphase Segmentation for Tomography data using Convolutional Neural Network and Morphological Study of Cathode Secondary Particles

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Offre de Thèse LRCS - Amiens

Updated : 2022.03.16

Effet de la microgravité sur l'impression 3D de batteries lithium-ion

Ce sujet de thèse s'inscrit dans la stratégie de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne pour permettre aux astronautes de la station spatiale (ISS) et, à plus long terme, à ceux des futures missions longues et colonies, de pouvoir fabriquer, in situ, des pièces de rechange pour matériel de bord.


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