2024/06/04 Actualités
Mohammed Al Abdali PhD Defence
On Tuesday 4th of June 2024 in the HUB Amphitheater, Vincent Pignier will defend his thesis during a talk entitled : "Vers une électrode organique sans additif conducteur pour le stockage électrochimique de l’énergie".
His jury member will be:
Thibaut Gutel, CEA Grenoble
David Kreher, University of Versailles
Steven renault, IMN...
2024/02/27 Actualités
Fanny Lambert PhD Defence
On Tuesday 27th of February at 10.30 in the HUB Amphitheater, Fanny Lambert will defend her thesis during a talk entitled : "Approches de modélisation pour la conception et le développement de matériaux d'électrodes organiques pour batteries".
Her jury member will be:
Julien Pilmé, Maitre de conférence HDR (Sorbonne...
2024/02/13 Actualités
Dhanush Shanbhag PhD Defence
On Tuesday 13th of February at 9.30 in the HUB Amphitheater, Dhanush Shanbhag will defend his thesis during a talk entitled : "Crystal chemistry of Argyrodite solid electrolytes for all-state batteries".
Her jury member will be:
Matthew Rosseinsky, Professeur, University of Liverpool
Montse Casas-Cabanas, Directrice...
2024/01/17 Actualités
Chaoyue Liu PhD Defence
On Wednesday 17th of January at 2.45pm in the HUB Amphitheater, Chaoyue Liu will defend his thesis during a talk entitled : "Modeling analysis of the effect of microstructure on Li-ion battery electrode performance".
Her jury member will be:
Venkat Subramanian, Professeur, University of Texas at Austin
Yann Bultel,...
2024/01/11 Actualités
Matheus Leal De souza PhD Defence
On Thursday 11th of January at 2pm in the HUB Amphitheater, Matheus Leal de Souza will defend his thesis during a talk entitled : "Advanced Techniques to Track Degradation Mechanisms in Li-Ion Batteries".
Her jury member will be:
Christophe FORGEZ - Professeur, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France
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