2017/07/18 Séminaires
Invited Seminar Prof. Martin Bazant (MIT)
Tuesday July 18th at 11am in the HUB theater Prof. Martin Bazant (MIT) will give a seminar entitled : "Control of Phase Transformations in Rechargeable Batteries".
Control of Phase Transformations in Rechargeable Batteries
Martin Z. Bazant
E. G. Roos (1944) Professor of Chemical Engineering and Mathematics
Executive Officer,...

2017/07/07 Séminaires
Invited Seminar Prof. Sarbajit Banerjee
Friday 7th July at 11a.m. in HUB theater, le Professor Sarbajit Banerjee will give a seminar entitled : "Metal Oxide Nanostructures for Electronics and Energy Storage: Endowing “Intelligence” through Phase Transformations".
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1st Organic Battery Days, Uppsala, Sweden : Alae Eddine Lakraychi wins the best poster prize !
The "1st Organic Battery Days" have gathered around 8 and 9 June 2017 nearly 70 researchers from all over the world, but mainly from Europe and Asia. The conference was organized within the oldest Scandinavian university , Uppsala University (founded in 1477) and more precisely within the Angstrom Laboratory. Alae Eddine...
Learn more2017/05/04 Séminaires
Invited seminar Prof. Olivier Guillon
On Thursday 4 May at 11am, we will have a seminar given by Prof. Olivier Guillon entitled «Towards high-performance all-solid-state batteries: Development of ceramic electrolytes and their integration into battery cells ». Amphi HUB.
Olivier Guillon is the director of the Institute of Energy and Climate Research - Materials...

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