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News - Seminars


2023/06/01 Séminaires

3rd year PhD seminar : Matheus Leal de Souza et Dhanush Shanbhag

On Thursday June 1st there will be two student seminars and one invited seminar:
- Matheus Leal de Souza : "Advanced electrochemical techniques to track degradation mechanisms in Li-Ion batteries"
- Dhanush Shanbhag : "..."

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2023/05/30 Actualités

Boris IRIE-Bi PhD defense

Tuesday May 30 at 9 a.m. in the HUB amphitheater, Boris Irie-Bi will defend his PhD thesis during a talk entitled : "Preparation and Evaluation of Porous Organic Polymer-Based Solid Organic Electrolyte for All-Solid-State Organic Batteries".

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2023/05/11 Séminaires

3rd year PhD seminar: Briseis Mercadier et Hélène Tonnoir

Thursday May 11th at 11.00 a.m. in the HUB Amphitheater, there will be two seminars:
- Briseis Mercadier : "Anion conduction mechanisms in Fluoride-ion battery electrolytes"
- Hélène Tonnoir : "Mechanistic insights on sodium storage in hard carbons".

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2023/05/04 Séminaires

3rd year PhD seminar: Adolfo Urrutia and Eunike Mahayoni

Thursday May 4th at 11.00 a.m. in the HUB Amphitheater, there will be two seminars:
- Adolfo Urrutia:  “Antiperovskite solid ionic conductors for solid state batteries”
- Eunike Mahayoni:  “Fast ionic transport in NASICON for sodium all solid-state battery”

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2023/04/28 Séminaires

Invited seminar Dr Fabienne Gschwind

On Friday April 28 at 11.00 a.m. in the Hub amphitheater , Dr Fabienne GSCHWIND (Senior Scientist at UMICORE), will give a seminar entitled : “From mine to battery”.

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