courbe en fond

Zeliang Su PhD Defense

Wednesday 10th of November at 9 a.m., Zeliang Su will defend his PhD thesis during a talk entitled : "Towards Greener Chemistry of battery: Using X-ray Tomography in Li-O2 battery and a recyclable cathode".

The jury members are:
Reporters: Alexis Grimaud (CNRS, Collège de France), Claire Villevieille (CNRS, Université Grenoble-Alpes)
Examiners: Eric Marie (CNRS, INSA Lyon), Etienne Decencière (Mines ParisTech)
Invited: Stefan Freunberger (Institut des sciences et technologies, Autriche), Julio Da Silva (CNRS, Institut Néel Grenoble)
Supervisors: Arnaud Demortière et Alejandro A. Franco