courbe en fond

Anciens du laboratoire

Jaroslaw Syzdek


  • Customer Success Engineer
  • Voltaiq, Inc.


Application of Modified Ceramic Powders as Fillers for Composite Polymeric Electrolytes Based on Poly(oxyethylene).

Thèse de Doctorat en co-tutelle, Amiens/Varsovie, Février 2010

Directeurs de thèse: M. Armand (DR), W. Wieczorek (Pr.)

Reversed Phase Composite Polymeric Electrolytes Based on Poly(oxyethylene)

J.S Syzdek, M. Armand, P. Falkowski, M. Gizowska, M. Karlowicz, L. Lukaszuk, M.L. Marcinek, A. Zalewska, M. Szafran, C. Masquelier, J-M. Tarascon, W.G. Wieczorek, Z.G. Zukowska

Chemistry of Materials, 2011

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