Organic Negative Electrode Materials for Metal-Ion and Molecular-Ion Batteries: Progress and Challenges from a Molecular Engineering Perspective Alae Eddine Lakraychi, Franck Dolhem, Alexandru Vlad, Matthieu Becuwe Advanced Energy Materials, 2021 An air-stable lithiated cathode material based on a 1,4-benzenedisulfonate backbone for organic Li-ion batteries A. E. Lakraychi, E. Deunf, K. Fahsi, P. Jimenez, J.-P. Bonnet, F. Djedaini-Pilard, M. Becuwe, P. Poizot, F. Dolhem Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018 Substituent effect on redox potential of terephthalate-based electrode materials for lithium batteries A.E. Lakraychi, F. Dolhem, F. Djedaïni-Pilard, M. Becuwe Electrochemistry Communications, 2018 Decreasing redox voltage of terephthalate-based electrode material for Li-ion battery using substituent effect A.E. Lakraychi, F. Dolhem, F. Djedaïni-Pilard, A. Thiam, C. Frayret, M. Becuwe Journal of Power Sources, 2017 Carboxylic and sulfonic N-substituted naphthalene diimide salts as highly stable non-polymeric organic electrodes for lithium batteries A.E. Lakraychi, K. Fahsi, L. Aymard, P. Poizot, F. Dolhem, J.-P. Bonnet Electrochemistry Communications, 2017